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Liquid Gold

Just one more time, she promises herself,
Takes a deep breath and pours it in,
I hide myself in the dark shadows,
That cover her whole, below the chin.

I watch as she slowly loses her senses,
Watch as she relinquishes it all,
She soon has a smile on her face,
As her balance too, takes the fall.

Spread eagled as she lies on the floor,
Her face and hair messed up so bad,
She lets out a small laugh of joy,
That says despite it all, she's glad.

"I've just found you again, so please don't leave,
I again smell that smell I smelt on your sleeve,
I can see and feel and touch you again,
Oh, and that maddening, excruciating pain,
Of you having left, having gone is gone,
I feel like my many pieces are again one,
I can now see all that I've wanted to see,
And we are now what I want us to be,
Stay, Oh stay, please say that stay you will,
Stay, for I haven't yet had my fill."

Hearing her mumble and speak in her dream,
I smile, drop a tear, and stifle a scream,
Oh scream and shout, I may, but she won't hear,
My words are like her thoughts, mere smoke in the air,
Just like I am anything but tangible and real,
No matter how much my scent she may feel,
It's all a mirage, a beautiful illusion by her mind,
Which that pouring of liquid has made rather kind,
While usually her mind is not a friend, but a foe,
Times like these, it's surprisingly mellow.

The world may scorn her 'habits',
As I used to, when I shared her world,
Now I can't help but revel and exist for,
The feelings that they, only they unfold.

Since I left her side, about a month ago,
And then decided not to completely 'move on',
I found there was a lot more to 'life',
Than I did during days of my life, gone!

Unlike all those times we fought and fought,
And the time I gave up and left forever,
Now though apart, opposite sides we are not,
This liquid gold now brings us together.


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