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Internship: The beginning

So I've noticed, and I'm sure you have too, how my blog has no real (or maybe way too little) information about me. It's all mostly a collection of vague poems, deep emotions and disturbing recollections. The reason for the exclusion of my life adventures from this blog is not insane paranoia about my private life, but the general lack of happening events that my life presents. Now that I'm on an intern in Canada for the summers, I thought I'd make this blog a little more personal, and let all you (if there are any) people get a glance at what I hope will be a happening and tale-worthy part of my life.

Leaving any space is always quite hard. However, this last semester was like an iron club in pendulum motion, and every time I stood up, it hit me back down, periodically. Bashed and beaten by this semester, the approaching date of departure for my intern happened to be a date I wished upon myself faster, and hence as life is generally known to do, came crawling sluggishly slow towards me. Why is it, I wonder? That when you look forward to something, it can never get here fast enough, and when you dread something, it literally sprints it's way to you. Maybe something to do with compression of time, will have to check my knowledge in relativity and physics. Anyway, getting back to the point, my intern was a beautiful thing I envisioned at the end of this cruel, difficult 6th semester at IITB. And hence, I flatter myself that a series of blogs about my intern will not be too boring to share.

I left late 30th April night (more like early 1st May morning) from Mumbai with what could only be called a very loving and beautiful farewell. My parents, an aunt, 3 of my swimming buddies, and a sweetheart named Shraddha, all came to bid me farewell. Goodbye didn't seem like goodbye, what with all friends present taking a treat from me, and focusing more on the food than on the person who would soon be departing (that would be me). Got a reality check on my blown up ego, and another glance at the gluttonous appetites that the swimming team has.

The family  

The crazy foodies (and me)

Soon I was racing my way into the airport with my trolley, not unlike Harry Potter at platform 9 3/4 and just like him I seemed to enter a new world (not just the breathtaking beauty that T2 is, just minutes away from the noisy congestion of Bombay), one with less worries and more possibilities.

Dude! T2 is beautiful <3

I soaked in the smell, the noise, the multitude of people there, once I had gotten rid of the 44ish kgs of luggage I was made to carry along. The variety of people I saw there, the cacophony of voices that I heard, some yelling away into bad network phones, some conversing in low voices, the announcements, instantly put all my mountainous problems into a happier perspective. I connected with my fellow flight-mates (if that's even a word), and we had our first close interactions done and dusted.

The final bye-bye to Mumbai

Finally, I boarded and said my goodbyes to the people I love, the Mumbai heat, and all the worries of my student life there. An 8 hour flight to Munich began with a lot of beautiful German stewards and stewardesses to attend to our needs. Announcements, the security instructions, and the usual charade of busy activities leading to the take off allowed me to take time and absorb the fact that I was about to begin my longest stay away from home. Dozing on the flight, intermittently waking up to eat, talk, or watch movies, we reached Munich. The lush velvety carpet of all shades of green that Munich is from the skies, was a great end to the first one-third of this 30ish hour long journey. Roaming around Munich airport, which by the way had the most happy blessing in the world - free WiFi, was fun too! Duty free shops and the like kept me from being bored for the 4-ish hours of free time I had.

The lush carpets that are Munich

Then on my way to Toronto, I met with a nice Canadian couple sitting next to me, who'd wake me up every time there was food being served. Slept through a huge part of the flight again, it was like my body was making up for all the sleeplessness endsems caused me. Beautiful clouds, a little bit of turbulence, loud, wailing babies breaking the silence, and the usual haughtiness of the business and first class people will be triggers to remind me of this flight.

Toronto from the skies

Once in Toronto airport, which again had the pre-mentioned blessing of free WiFi, me and my friends rushed to get our immigration and work permits done. However a series of delays due to long lines and scrupulous, tedious long verification procedures made us free just 10 mins before our flight at 5:10 to Edmonton was to take off. We raced across the huge airport that Toronto has, but ended up missing the flight. All 6 of us, missed the flight! Rescheduling flights was smooth once we had gulped down the panic that your first missed flight usually presents, and we found 2 of us on one flight, while the 4 others were on the next flight to Edmonton. I acquainted myself with a random German woman, and a woman from Pakistan with her kid, in the meanwhile. Worries about luggage bugged our sleepless minds, and soon, I left my worry behind as sleep caught up with me. Sleeping, as you can see, is pretty much all I did on my way here. Luck and some good charms, were on our side it seemed, as we arrived in one piece, tired and happy, to Edmonton, with ALL our luggage perfectly fine! (Thank you Lufthansa!) More about what happened at Edmonton in the next entry.

P.S: I realize this is extremely vain and egoistic to believe people would read this humongous, long tirade I went into. But I wanted to document my experiences, so give it a read and let me know if you'd like to read the next. I'll probably write it down anyway though.


  1. waiting for the next episode!!!

    1. It will be up as soon as I have enough time and material to write about! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned :D


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