Fate is by the direction of an incense-stick's fume, A bat sitting on the window predicts impending doom. A lizard falls on you, and you're about to die, Your left eye flutters and your fortune will fly, A crow perched on the window-sill brings a definite guest, Oh and good luck comes from a little sparrow's nest, A black spot on a baby's forehead protects her from evil, Marrying frogs invites the long-absent and cool drizzle, A glass frame breaks and invites death to the people in the pic, Death is also coming when the flame goes from a diya 's wick, A dog wails loud and the ghosts wake up and prowl, A very bad news accompanies the poor barn owl, No eating, talking or bathing during an eclipse, Sins are washed away by the Ganges in a few dips, An 'evil eye' is prevented by the scary mask on the door, Horoscope is the way to happy marriages for sure, A black cat crosses your way, and you fail in all you attempt, A girl born in the ...