Some people think they know themselves. So well. Every facet, every thought, every reaction seems to bring no surprise. And I never was one of them. But then, I thought I had the basics right. A person who can manage fairly good in academics, quite comfortable with elocution, clumsy as hell in anything to do with sports or grace, okay at friendship, good at maintaining relationships, and really senti whenever things ended. But then, everyone's life has that moment. If you're lucky, you'll have not just one, but many of these. This moment alerts you to some change in you, some parts of you flipped inside out, to show colours which never existed on your spectrum before. This change can be a slow, subtle and calm one, or it can be a huge bang, boom and splash. The calm one is peaceful, so where's the fun in that? The banging change is the one that turns your world upside down, making everything topsy-turvy and is something every adrenaline junkie eyes. I never knew I was...